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Book a free consultation with us to discuss your specific needs and goals. Ask about our experience in areas that matter most to you and get practical insights on our availability and methods.

What will be the focus of this call?

We will ask you many questions about your business, what you currently do or what you want to do in the future. This is to gain a better understanding of your situation and how we can help you move forward.

No, not at all. We are honest with people regarding the value of business advice as an investment, and we let around 25% of individuals know that our services are not necessary for them.

Although we like to talk about business and learn about your interests, please only arrange this call if you are truly interested in obtaining tailored business advice.

This consultation is provided at no cost to you, as it allows us to understand your requirements and offer solutions without any monetary concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just like any new relationship, we begin with a conversation. It’s usually a brief phone call to determine if coaching is the best option for you. The call is completely free, and there are no obligations to continue.

As your coach, we recognize your expertise in your business. By asking strategic questions and having discussions, we can collaborate to create new ideas and determine necessary actions to improve your situation. We will always provide specific insights or knowledge to assist you in succeeding.

It’s your call. We prioritize achieving results. If you’re not satisfied with the outcome, you won’t be compelled to continue.

Typically, we suggest a 6-month program because this duration allows for substantial and long-lasting progress.

Business Coaching is not a shortcut. Some clients work with us for over 4 years and make consistent progress, while others reach their objectives in just 3 months.

Business Coaching is primarily focused on working with owners or CEOs to address the needs and goals of the business, while Business Consultation involves engaging subject matter experts with specialized expertise in specific functional areas of the company.

At The Pro Society, we offer both Business Coaching and Business Consultation services.

Confidentiality is paramount when working with a business coach. As a trusted advisor, similar to lawyers and financial advisors, all conversations and information shared are kept strictly confidential.

We can’t guarantee success, only you can. Without commitment, you won’t see results. But if we don’t meet your expectations, you’re free to stop working with us anytime (though none of our clients have ever done so for this reason).